
phpDocumentor v 1.4.0



Common tools
This file contains a variety of tools that might be usefull to all applications, no matter wether the use the rest of the framework or not.


check the list of arguments for correct data types
bool(true)|string checkArgumentList (
array $arguments, array $types, [string $name = ""]
List of parameters:
Name Type Description
$arguments array list of arguments
$types array list of types, with the following values: IS_INT, IS_STRING, IS_FLOAT, IS_BOOL, IS_ARRAY, IS_SCALAR, IS_NUMERIC, IS_OBJECT, IS_RESOURCE, IS_NULL
$name string optional name of calling function
This function returns bool(true) on success, or a string containing an error message if it fails.
  1.  function foo1 ($int$number)
  2.  {
  3.  $chk checkArgumentList(func_num_args()array(IS_INTIS_INT IS_FLOAT));
  4.  $chk === true || die($chk);
  5.  // ...
  6.  }
  7.  // You may exclude an argument from the check by using IS_MIXED
  8.  function foo2 ($int$mixed$bool)
  9.  {
  10.  $chk === true || die($chk);
  11.  // ...
  12.  }
  13.  // You may have an optional argument by using IS_NULL
  14.  function foo3 ($int$bool false)
  15.  {
  16.  $chk === true || die($chk);
  17.  // ...
  18.  }
  19.  // When checking a single argument you may shorten the function call by
  20.  // providing the second argument as an integer instead of an array.
  21.  function foo4 ($string)
  22.  {
  23.  $chk === true || die($chk);
  24.  // ...
  25.  }
  26.  // As an option you may include the name of the calling function in error messages
  27.  function foo5 ($int$bool false)
  28.  {
  29.  $chk checkArgumentList(func_num_args()array(IS_INTIS_NULL|IS_BOOL)__FUNCTION__);
  30.  $chk === true || die($chk);
  31.  // ...
  32.  }
Note that you may combine types by using the '|' operator, like: IS_INT | IS_FLOAT.
To conclude this, here is a brief "best-practice" example. This is a pattern I personally would suggest you to use.
  1.  $types array(
  2.  IS_STRING,          // argument 1
  3.  IS_NULL|IS_STRING,  // argument 2
  4.  IS_NULL|IS_INT      // argument 3
  5.  );
  6.  $chk checkArgumentList(func_get_args()$types__FUNCTION__);
  7.  if ($chk !== true{
  8.      trigger_error($chk);
  9.      return false;
  10.  }
Keep the "argument X" comments for better readability.
Be warned that this function is meant to be used for situations where you can live with a certain overhead to profit from additional means of security. If a function can only be called from another function, which already has checked the input arguments, you may want to use assertions and type casting instead.
  • since: 2.8.8
  • name: function_checkArgumentList()
recursive deep-copy on arrays
array cloneArray (
array $array
List of parameters:
Name Type Description
$array array input array that should be cloned
This function creates a deep-copy of the input $array and returns it.
"Deep-copy" means, it tries to clone objects registered in the array by calling the function "copy()", if the object has any, or by using the keyword "clone" as of PHP 5.
Note that this will not work correctly, if the object has neither the one nor the other.
  • since: 2.8.5
  • name: function_cloneArray()
list contents of a directory
array dirlist (
string $dir, [string $filter = ""], [int $switch = YANA_GET_ALL]
List of parameters:
Name Type Description
$dir string
$filter string
$switch int possible values YANA_GET_ALL, YANA_GET_DIRS, YANA_GET_FILES
The argument $filter may contain multiple file extension, use a pipe '|' sign to seperate them. Example: "*.xml|*.html" will find all xml- and html-files
The argument $switch may be used to get only subdirectories (YANA_GET_DIRS), or only files (YANA_GET_FILES), or all contents (YANA_GET_ALL), which is the default.
  • name: function_dirlist()
search for a value in a sorted list
int|bool(false) qSearchArray (
array &$array, scalar $needle
List of parameters:
Name Type Description
&$array array
$needle scalar
If the array contains $needle, the key of $needle is returned. Otherwise this functions returns bool(false).
This function does something similar to PHP's in_array(), except, that it expects the input to be a numeric, unique, sorted array.
If the input is sorted, searching for a value is far more performant using this function than the original, especially for large arrays.
To be more technical: qSearchArray() performs the search on a sorted array in O(log(n)) running time, which is the same as searching for a key in a red-black tree. while a "normal", linear scan of the array takes O(n) running time.
  1.  // Search through a large, sorted, numeric array of strings.
  2.  // E.g. a file where each line is representing a value.
  3.  $list file('large_file.txt');
  4.  if (is_array($list)) {
  5.      $i qSearchArray($list'foo');
  6.      if ($i === false{
  7.          print "Value 'foo' not found!\n";
  8.      else {
  9.          print "Found 'foo' in line $i.\n";
  10.      }
  11.  }
  • name: function_qSearchArray()
Untaint user input taken from a web form
mixed untaintInput (
mixed $value, [string $type = ""], [int $length = 0], [int $escape = 0], [bool $doubleEncode = false], [int $precision = -1]
List of parameters:
Name Type Description
$value mixed the input data
$type string desired type, note that this should always be a scalar type
$length int maximum length
$escape int choose how special characters should be treated
$doubleEncode bool when false, existing codes will not be encoded again (currently only with $escape=YANA_ESCAPE_USERTEXT)
$precision int types float and double only - number of post
This function scrubbs your user input data shiny and clean.
It ensures: the data has a given type, maximum length, and syntax. E.g. if the data comes out of an input-field use this function with the argument $escape set to YANA_ESCAPE_LINEBREAK, to enforce the input does not have any unexpected line breaks.
Valid values for parameter $type:
  • int, integer
  • float, double
  • boolean, bool
  • array, set
  • string
  • object
  • time = the input is an unix time code
  • mail = the input is a mail adress
  • ip = the input is an IP adress
  • select = the input is taken from a select field (treated as "string")
  • text = the input is taken from a textarea field (treated as "string")
  • upload = the input is the index of the uploaded file in the $_FILES-array
Note: type "upload" will return the path to the uploaded file on success and an integer error constant on error. See the PHP manual for details on these codes.
Valid values for parameter $escape:
  • YANA_ESCAPE_NONE = leave special chars alone (default)
  • YANA_ESCAPE_SLASHED = apply addslashes()
  • YANA_ESCAPE_TOKEN = replace template delimiters with html-entities
  • YANA_ESCAPE_CODED = convert all characters to html-entities
  • YANA_ESCAPE_LINEBREAK = revert all white-space to spaces
    (for security reasons you should ALWAYS use this setting if you
    expect data from any other field than textarea)
  • YANA_ESCAPE_USERTEXT = treat full-text message from an textarea element,
    prevents flooding by removing doubled elements
These constants can be combined! Examples of usage:
  • YANA_ESCAPE_SLASHED = just slashes
  • YANA_ESCAPE_ALL & ~YANA_ESCAPE_USERTEXT = all but usertext
Interpretation of the $length parameter depends on the $type argument given.
  • no type = interpreted as maximum length of characters (implicit string conversion)
  • string = maximum length of characters
  • integer = maximum number of digits
  • float = maximum number of digits (without fraction) - this may be combined with argument $precision
  • upload = maximum size of file in bytes
For type float and integer, if the number of digits exceeds the maximum, the maximum number allowed will be returned instead.
For type integer see the following examples:
 $value=-3,     $length=1 : return -3
 $value=3.2,    $length=1 : return 3
 $value=3.4,    $length=1 : return 3
 $value=3.5,    $length=1 : return 4
 $value=3.6,    $length=1 : return 4
 $value=9.9,    $length=1 : return 9
 $value=11.11,  $length=2 : return 11
 $value=111.11, $length=2 : return 99
 $value=10,     $length=1 : return 9
The argument $precision is the maximum number of digits for the decimal fraction of a number. This argument applies only to types float and double.
For type float see the following examples:
 $value=-3.1,   $length=1, $precision 0: return -3
 $value=3.4,    $length=1, $precision 0: return 3
 $value=3.5,    $length=1, $precision 0: return 4
 $value=3.21,   $length=1, $precision 1: return 3.2
 $value=13.5,   $length=1, $precision 1: return 9.9
 $value=11.11,  $length=2, $precision 1: return 11.1
 $value=111.11, $length=2, $precision 1: return 99.9
 $value=0.115,  $length=0, $precision 2: return .12
 $value=5.115,  $length=1, $precision 2: return 5.12
Note on compatibility: The argument $precision was introduced in version 2.9.7. This changes the interpretation of the argument $length. Versions BEFORE 2.9.7 interpreted float values as numeric strings. Thus $length was understood as the maximum length in characters (including fraction). This has changed in version 2.9.7, where float values are treated as numbers - as shown in the examples above. The argument $length is now interpreted as the maximum length of the full decimal number (excluding fraction).
For type "upload" see the following example:
  1.  $filename untaintInput('file''upload'1000000);
  2.  if (is_int($filename)) {
  3.      switch ($filename)
  4.      {
  5.         case UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE:
  6.             exit('File exceeds upload_max_filesize in php.ini');
  7.         break;
  8.         case UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE:
  9.             exit('File bigger than 1000000 bytes');
  10.         break;
  11.         case UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL:
  12.             exit('File was only partially uploaded');
  13.         break;
  14.         case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE:
  15.             exit('No file was uploaded');
  16.         break;
  17.         case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR:
  18.             exit('Missing a temporary folder');
  19.         break;
  20.         case UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE:
  21.             exit('Failed to write file to disk');
  22.         break;
  23.         case UPLOAD_ERR_EXTENSION:
  24.             exit('File upload stopped by extension');
  25.         break;
  26.      }
  27.  else {
  28.      move_uploaded_file($filename"upload/foo.bar"));
  29.  }
Note: type "image" is only treated as string here. There is a specific function for this job in the Image
  • class.
See the function Image::uploadFile() for more details.
For type "text" see the following example:
  1.  // this example will untaint text taken from a HTML form
  3.  // input taken from field 'message'
  4.  $unsaveInput $_GET['message'];
  5.  // type of data
  6.  $type 'text';
  7.  // max. number of characters
  8.  $length 1000;
  9.  // escape input
  10.  $escape YANA_ESCAPE_USERTEXT;
  11.  // untaint input
  12.  $saveInput untaintInput($unsaveInput$type$length$escape);
  • name: function_untaintInput()
Create a XML string from a scalar variable, an object, or an array of data.
void XMLencode (
scalar|array|object $data, [string $name = "root"], [int $caseSensitive = CASE_MIXED], [int $indent = 0], [string $inputEncoding = null], [string $outputEncoding = null]
List of parameters:
Name Type Description
$data scalar|array|object input data
$name string name of root element
$indent int number of tabs to indent
$inputEncoding string detected automatically
$outputEncoding string detected automatically
The argument $name can be used to specify the id of the root node. If $name is omitted, the id will be "root".
Note that any tags from string inputs will be stripped. You should convert tags to entities, before submiting the input.
The argument $caseSensitive can be used to decide how keys should be treated.
Valid values for $caseSensitive are:
  • CASE_UPPER upper-case all keys
  • CASE_LOWER lower-case all keys
  • CASE_MIXED leave keys in mixed case
An XML-header is created automatically. Encoding of input and output will run on auto-detect.
  • since: 2.9.5
  • access: public
  • name: function_XMLencode()

Documentation generated on Sat, 03 Jan 2009 22:22:42 +0100 by phpDocumentor 1.4.0

yana author: Thomas MeyerHomepage: www.yanaframework.net