
phpDocumentor v 1.4.0

Class DbStream


database API
this class is a database abstraction api, that uses pear db
  • access: public
Variable Summary
Method Summary

Direct descendents

Class Description
FileDb simulate a database


DbStructure $structure = null
structure of current database
This gives you access to the db-schema that is used in the current session.
Please note that you should not change this schema unless you REALLY know what you are doing.
  • access: public


create a new instance
DbStream DbStream (
[string|DbStructure $file = null], [dbServer $server = null]
List of parameters:
Name Type Description
$file string|DbStructure
$server dbServer
Each database connection depends on a structure file describing the database. Therefore you have to provide a $filename of such structure file (without path or extension)
These files are to be found in config/db/*.config
Since version 2.8.7 the argument $file can also be an instance of class DbStructure.
Alias of DbStream::write()
bool commit ()
compare with another object
string equals (
object $anotherObject
List of parameters:
Name Type Description
$anotherObject object
Returns bool(true) if this object and $anotherObject are equal and bool(false) otherwise.
Two instances are considered equal if and only if they are both objects of the same class and they both refer to the same structure file and use equal database connections.
  • access: public

Redefinition of: Object::equals()

Check wether a certain key exists
bool exists (
[string|DbQuery $key = ""]
List of parameters:
Name Type Description
$key string|DbQuery adress to check
Returns bool(true), if the adress $key (table, row, column) is defined, and otherwise bool(false). If no argument is provided, the function returns bool(true) if a database connection exists and bool(false) if not.
Since version 2.9.3 you may also provide the parameter $key as an object of type DbQuery.
  • access: public
  • uses: $DbStream->exists('table.5')
export database structure to a file
bool exportStructure (
string $filename
List of parameters:
Name Type Description
$filename string relative path to output-file
Note: if the specified file already exists it will get overwritten.
Structure files need to have the extension '.config' and are to be stored at the directory 'config/db/*.config'.
  • access: public
  • uses: $DbStream->exportStructure('some_file.config')
get values from the database
mixed get (
array|string|DbQuery $key, [array|string $where = array()], [array $orderBy = array()], int $offset, int $limit, [bool $desc = false]
List of parameters:
Name Type Description
$key array|string|DbQuery the address of the value(s) to retrieve
$where array|string a search string
$orderBy array a list of columns to order the resultset by
$offset int the number of the first result to be returned
$limit int maximum number of results to return
$desc bool if true results will be ordered in descending, otherwise in ascending order
This returns the values at adress $key starting from $offset and limited to $limit results.
The $key parameter has three synopsis.
  • If $key is a string, this parameter is interpreted as the address of the values you want to retrieve.
  • If $key is an associative array, it overwrites any of the paramters you provide, without the need to enter default parameters - this might come in handy in certain situations.
  • Since version 2.9.3 the argument $key may also be an object of type $dbQuery. If so, no additional parameters need to be present. This is a shortcut, which e.g. allows you to prepare a query as an object and reuse it with multiple arguments.
The array $key can have the following values
  • $key = the address of the value(s) to retrieve (mandatory)
  • $where = a search string (optional)
  • $search = alias of $where (deprecated)
  • $order_by = array of columns to order the resultset by (optional)
  • $desc = boolean, if true results will be ordered in descending, otherwise in ascending order (optional)
  • $offset = integer, the number of the first result to be returned (optional)
  • $limit = integer, maximum number of results to return (optional)
Since version 2.8.5 the parameter $orderBy has two synopsis.
  • $orderBy is the name of the column in the current table to order the resultset by.
  • $orderBy is a numeric array of strings, where each element is the name of a column in the current table. The resultset will get ordered by the values of these columns in the direction in which they are provided. This feature became available in version 2.8.5
Since version 2.8.5 the parameter $where has two synopsis.
  • $where is a comma seperated list of column-value pairs using the following syntax:
    Note that comparison takes place using the SQL operator 'LIKE', except for columns that are keys (either a primary key or a foreign key), which are compared using the SQL operator '='.
  • $where is a two-dimensional numeric array and its entries follow this syntax:
    The "column" name is mandatory and needs to be a string. The "value" is mandatory and needs to be a scalar value. The "operator" is optional and defaults to 'LIKE'. It needs to be a string and can be one of the following:
     '=', 'LIKE', '<', '>', '!=', '<=', '>=', '==' (alias of '=')
The second alternative offers more flexibility and should be prefered over the first one.
Note: The $desc parameter became available in version 2.8.5
  • access: public
get the DSN
array getDsn ()
This function returns an associative array containing information on the current connection or bool(false) on error.
See DbServer::getDsn() for more details.
  • since: 2.9.8
  • access: public
  • name: DbStream::getDsn()
get last reported error message
string getErrorMessage ()
Returns the last report error string or bool(false) if there is none.
  • since: 2.9.8
  • access: public
get the most recently queried table
string getTable ()
  • access: public
get table information
array getTableInfo (
string $table
List of parameters:
Name Type Description
$table string name of table
This function returns detailed information on a table and it's columns.
It returns an associative array containing the following keys:
  • primarykey: Name of primary key column
  • foreignkeys: Array, listing all foreign keys (MySQL only), with the following values:
    • column: Name of column in this table
    • foreigntable: Name of referenced foreign table
    • foreigncolumn: Name of referenced column in foreign table
  • length: Number of columns in current table
  • The columns are arrays, numbered 0 through N, with each of them having the following values:
    • table: Name of current table
    • name: Name of column
    • type: Data type of column
    • length: Maximum length
    • nullable: True, when the column may contain NULL as value, false otherwise
    • primarykey: True, when the column is the primary key, false otherwise
    • foreignkey: True, when the column is a foreign key, false otherwise
    • references: If column is a foreign key, this is a numeric array with the following values:
      • table: name of referenced foreign table
      • column: name of referenced column in foreign table
    • unique: True, when the column must not contain duplicate values, false otherwise
    • index: True, when there is an index on this column, false otherwise (MySQL only)
    • auto: True, when the column uses auto increment or auto number, false otherwise
    • default: Default value of this column, or NULL if there is none (MySQL only)
    • unsigned: True, when the column is an unsigned number type, false otherwise
    • zerofill: True, when the column has the zerofill flag set, false otherwise
    • comment: The comment on this column, or NULL if there is none (MySQL only)
    • select: True, if SELECT statements are allowed on this column and false otherwise (MySQL only)
    • update: True, if UPDATE/DELETE statements are allowed on this column and false otherwise (MySQL only)
    • insert: True, if INSERT statements are allowed on this column and false otherwise (MySQL only)
  1.  $db new DbStream();
  2.  print_r($db->getTableInfo('foo'));
The output may look something like:
     [length] => 6
     [primarykey] => foo_id
     [foreignkeys] => Array
             [0] => Array
                     [column] => bar_id
                     [foreigntable] => bar
                     [foreigncolumn] => bar_id

     [0] => Array
             [table] => foo
             [name] => foo_id
             [type] => int
             [nullable] =>
             [primarykey] => 1
             [unique] =>
             [index] =>
             [auto] => 1
             [default] =>
             [unsigned] =>
             [zerofill] =>
             [comment] => id
             [length] => 8
             [foreignkey] =>
             [references] =>
             [update] => 1
             [insert] => 1
             [select] => 1


     [5] => Array
             [table] => foo
             [name] => bar_id
             [type] => int
             [nullable] =>
             [primarykey] =>
             [unique] =>
             [index] => 1
             [auto] =>
             [default] =>
             [unsigned] =>
             [zerofill] =>
             [comment] => some label
             [length] => 10
             [foreignkey] => 1
             [references] => Array
                     [0] => bar
                     [1] => bar_id
             [update] => 1
             [insert] => 1
             [select] => 1
  • since: 2.9.6
  • access: public

Redefined in descendants as:
import SQL from a file
bool importSQL (
string|array $sqlFile
List of parameters:
Name Type Description
$sqlFile string|array
The input parameter $sqlFile can wether be filename, or a numeric array of SQL statements.
Returns bool(true) on success or bool(false) on error. Note that the statements are executed within a transaction. If the function fails,
An error is encountered and an E_USER_NOTICE is issued, if:
  • the file does not exist or is not readable
  • the $sqlFile parameter is empty
  • the database connection is not available
  • the parameter "readonly" on the database structure file is set to "true"
  • at least one database statement failed (does not issue an E_USER_NOTICE)
  • there are uncommited statements in the queue
  • access: public
  • name: DbStream::importsql()
  • uses: $DbStream->importSQL('some_file.sql')
insert row
bool insert (
string|DbQuery $key, [mixed $value = array()]
List of parameters:
Name Type Description
$key string|DbQuery
$value mixed
Insert $value at position $key.
This function returns bool(true) on success and bool(false) on error. If $key already exists, the function will return bool(false).
Note, that this function does not auto-commit. This means, changes to the database will NOT be saved unless you call $DbStream->write().
Since version 2.9.3 the argument $key may also be an object of type $dbQuery. If so, no additional parameters need to be present. This is a shortcut, which e.g. allows you to prepare a query as an object and reuse it with multiple arguments.
Compatibility note: As of version 2.9.5, the behaviour of this function has changed. In version 2.9.4 and earlier, when a row already existed, it was updated automatically and no error was thrown. If you need to simulate this behaviour, to get an older plugin working, please set the global constant YANA_DB_COMPAT_INSERT to the value true (Default is false) in file "library.php".
update or insert row
bool insertOrUpdate (
string|DbQuery $key, [mixed $value = array()]
List of parameters:
Name Type Description
$key string|DbQuery
$value mixed
insert $value at position $key
If $key already exists, the previous value gets updated, else the value is created. If you do not like this behaviour, take a look at the functions update() and insert() instead, which let you set the operation you want.
Note that, as this function has to determine which of both operations to take, it is somewhat slower (approx. 5%) then calling the appropriate function explicitly.
This function returns bool(true) on success and bool(false) on error. Note, that this function does not auto-commit. This means, changes to the database will NOT be saved unless you call $DbStream->write().
Since version 2.9.3 the argument $key may also be an object of type $dbQuery. If so, no additional parameters need to be present. This is a shortcut, which e.g. allows you to prepare a query as an object and reuse it with multiple arguments.
check wether a certain table has no entries
bool isEmpty (
[string $table = ""]
List of parameters:
Name Type Description
$table string name of a table
Note: if no table is provided, the most recently used table will be tested instead.
  • access: public
check wether the current database is readonly
bool isWriteable ()
This returns bool(false) if the database does not exist, or the database property "readonly" is set to bool(true) in the database's structure file. Otherwise the function returns bool(true).
  • access: public
  • uses: $DbStream->isWriteable()
join the resultsets for two tables
bool join (
string $table1, [string $table2 = null], [string $key1 = null], [string $key2 = null]
List of parameters:
Name Type Description
$table1 string name of the table to join another one with
$table2 string name of another table to join table1 with (when omitted will remove all previously set joins from table1)
$key1 string name of the foreign key in table1 that references table2 (when omitted the API will look up the key in the structure file)
$key2 string name of the key in table2 that is referenced from table1 (may be omitted if it is the primary key)
Results in an INNER JOIN $table1, $table2 WHERE $table1.$key1 = $table2.$key2 .
Note that if you ommit the parameters $key1 and $key2, the API will try to determine the foreign key and target key itself by looking up the foreign key in the database's structure file. The first foreign key association that matches will be used.
Also note that two tables may only be joined via one pair of columns - not two or more. Instead if you may add additional rules to the where clause as you see fit.
Note that joins are permanent. So in opposition to what you might have learned from common SQL statements and other APIs, you do not need to repeat joins for each query. Instead, this API "remembers" what it was told and once set your joins will automatically be used each time you query the table until you explicitly remove it.
To remove all perviously set joins from a table, use the following function call:
  1.  $dbStream->join('myTable');
As you can see above, if the second argument ($table2) is ommited, all joins bound to 'myTable' are released.
Also note, that the wildcard '*' may be used to refer to the "least recently used" table. This is a shortcut that you may use in your scripts.
  • access: public
get the number of entries inside a table
int length (
[string|DbQuery $table = ""], [string|array $search = array()]
List of parameters:
Name Type Description
$table string|DbQuery name of a table
$search string|array optional where clause
Counts and returns the rows of $table. If no table is provided, the least recently used table will be selected instead.
Since version 2.9.3 you may also provide the parameter $table as an object of type DbQuery. This offers you more flexibility. In this case the second argument should not be provided. Instead you may add a where clause to your query object.
  • access: public
optional API bypass
mixed query (
string|DbQuery $sqlStmt, int $offset, int $limit
List of parameters:
Name Type Description
$sqlStmt string|DbQuery one SQL statement (or a query object) to execute
$offset int the row to start from
$limit int the maximum numbers of rows in the resultset
Send a sql-statement directly to the PEAR database API, bypassing this API.
Note: for security reasons this only sends one single SQL statement at a time. This is done by checking the input for a semicolon followed by anything but whitespace. If such input is found, an E_USER_WARNING is issued and the function will return bool(false).
While bypassing the API leaves nearly all of the input checking to you, this is meant to prevent at least a minimum of the common SQL injection attacks. A known attack is to try to terminate a current statement with ';' and afterwards "inject" their own stuff as a second statement. The common attack vector usually is unchecked form data.
If you want to send a sequence of statements, call this function multiple times.
The function will return bool(false) if the database connection or the PEAR API is not available and otherwise will whatever PEAR sends back as the result of your statement.
Note: when database usage is disabled via the administrator's menu, the PEAR-DB API can not be used and this function will return bool(false).
The $offset and $limit arguments became available in version 2.8.8
Since version 2.9.3 this function has a second synopsis: You may provide a DbQuery object instead of the SQL statement.
  1.  $dbStream->query($sqlStmt$offset$limit);
  2.  // 2nd synopsis
  3.  $dbStream->query($dbQuery);
Note that when providing the DbQuery object, the $limit and $offset arguments are ignored.
  • access: public
remove one row
bool remove (
string|DbQuery $key, [string|array $where = array()]
List of parameters:
Name Type Description
$key string|DbQuery the address of the row that should be removed
$where string|array a search string
For security reasons all delete queries will automatically be limited to 1 row at a time. While this might be seen as a limitation the far more valueable advantage is, no user is able to destroy a whole table - wether by intention or by accident - in only one query. (At least not via this API.)
The function returns bool(true) on success and bool(false) on error.
Since version 2.8.5 the parameter $where has two synopsis.
  • $where is a comma seperated list of column-value pairs using the following syntax:
    Note that comparison takes place using the SQL operator 'LIKE', except for columns that are keys (either a primary key or a foreign key), which are compared using the SQL operator '='.
  • $where is a two-dimensional numeric array and its entries follow this syntax:
    The "column" name is mandatory and needs to be a string. The "value" is mandatory and needs to be a scalar value. The "operator" is optional and defaults to 'LIKE'. It needs to be a string and can be one of the following:
     '=', 'LIKE', '<', '>', '!=', '<=', '>=', '==' (alias of '=')
The second alternative offers more flexibility and should be prefered over the first one.
Since version 2.9.3 the argument $key may also be an object of type $dbQuery. If so, no additional parameters need to be present. This is a shortcut, which e.g. allows you to prepare a query as an object and reuse it with multiple arguments.
  • access: public
Reset the object to default values
void reset ()
Resets the history for the last selected table, resets the queue of pending SQL statements and resets the database cache.
  • access: public
  • name: DbStream::reset()
Alias of DbStream::reset()
void rollback ()
get CSV string from a table
string toString (
[string $table = ""]
List of parameters:
Name Type Description
$table string name of a table
This exports the data of $table as a comma-seperated list of values. If $table is not provided, the least recently used table is chosen instead.
This function returns bool(false) on error.
  • access: public
  • uses: $DbStream->toString('foo')

Redefinition of: Object::toString()

update a row or cell
bool update (
string|DbQuery $key, [mixed $value = array()]
List of parameters:
Name Type Description
$key string|DbQuery
$value mixed
update $value at position $key
If $key does not exist, bool(false) is returned.
This function returns bool(true) on success and bool(false) on error.
Note, that this function does not auto-commit. This means, changes to the database will NOT be saved until you call $DbStream->write().
The argument $key may also be an object of type $dbQuery. If so, no additional parameters need to be present. This is a shortcut, which e.g. allows you to prepare a query as an object and reuse it with multiple arguments.
Commit current transaction
bool write ()
This writes all changes to the database
  • access: public
  • name: DbStream::write()
inherited from base classes

Inherited From Object

Documentation generated on Sat, 03 Jan 2009 22:22:19 +0100 by phpDocumentor 1.4.0

yana author: Thomas MeyerHomepage: www.yanaframework.net