The changelog element of a database definition is meant to document updates. Updates must be sorted by version number in descending order. This means, that the first element is always the most recent update.
The updates contain the type of the modification, a version number and the subject of modification. A description of the changes may be added as PCDATA.
The changelog may be used for automated database updates. The implementation may provide an application that scans the changelog and updates the database schema from a given version number to a later version. This implementation should try to execute all changes within a transaction. In case of a nonrecoverable error it should try to rollback all changes.
ELEMENT create (#PCDATA) ATTRIBUTE name string subject string version string ignoreError bool
Attributes | Type | Mandatory | Default | Description |
name | string | yes | n/a | Name identifier of the changed object. It should be lowercased and a valid XML and SQL identifier. |
subject | string | yes | n/a | table | column | index | view | sequence | trigger | constraint |
version | string | - | n/a | The version this log-entry applies to. |
ignoreError | bool | - | no | Used to tell the handler function, which performs the update, how to react, if this step causes an error while updating the database structure. If the value is set to "yes", the database update should continue, even if this step fails. If set to "no", the update should stop and all previous changes should be rolled back. |
Documents the creation of a new database element. The type of element is stored as attribute "subject". The element itself is identified via the attribute "name". The name must specify a unique identifier for the element. Where necessary it must specify the namespaces, within which the element's name is unique. In that case the character '.' must be used as a delimiter. The implementation may throw an error if the element is not found or if it is ambiguous. The PCDATA section of the element may be used for documentation purposes and may contain any text.
ELEMENT rename EMPTY ATTRIBUTE name string subject string version string ignoreError bool oldname string
Attributes | Type | Mandatory | Default | Description |
name | string | yes | n/a | Name identifier of the changed object. It should be lowercased and a valid XML and SQL identifier. |
subject | string | yes | n/a | table | column | index | view | sequence | trigger | constraint |
version | string | - | n/a | The version this log-entry applies to. |
ignoreError | bool | - | no | Used to tell the handler function, which performs the update, how to react, if this step causes an error while updating the database structure. If the value is set to "yes", the database update should continue, even if this step fails. If set to "no", the update should stop and all previous changes should be rolled back. |
oldname | string | - | n/a | Previous name of the renamed object. Note: For columns the name must include the table ("table.column"). |
Documents renaming an existing database element. The type of element is stored as attribute "subject". The element itself is identified via the attribute "name". The previous name of the element is stored as the attribute "oldname". The name must specify a unique identifier for the element. Where necessary it must specify the namespaces, within which the element's name is unique. In that case the character '.' must be used as a delimiter. The implementation may throw an error if the element is not found or if it is ambiguous. The PCDATA section of the element may be used for documentation purposes and may contain any text.
ELEMENT drop EMPTY ATTRIBUTE name string subject string version string ignoreError bool
Attributes | Type | Mandatory | Default | Description |
name | string | yes | n/a | Name identifier of the changed object. It should be lowercased and a valid XML and SQL identifier. |
subject | string | yes | n/a | table | column | index | view | sequence | trigger | constraint |
ignoreError | bool | - | no | Used to tell the handler function, which performs the update, how to react, if this step causes an error while updating the database structure. If the value is set to "yes", the database update should continue, even if this step fails. If set to "no", the update should stop and all previous changes should be rolled back. |
version | string | - | n/a | The version this log-entry applies to. |
Documents that an existing database element has been removed. The type of element is stored as attribute "subject". The element itself is identified via the attribute "name". The name must specify a unique identifier for the element. Where necessary it must specify the namespaces, within which the element's name is unique. In that case the character '.' must be used as a delimiter. The implementation may throw an error if the element is not found or if it is ambiguous. The PCDATA section of the element may be used for documentation purposes and may contain any text.
A typical situation where you might want to set the attribute "ignoreError" to "yes" is when dropping an element. Usually a database update should not fail, just because an element can't be drop because it doesn't exist (anymore).
Note that some DBMS are unable to rollback dropped database elements. In case of an error this restriction may have influence on the behavior of an implementation that updates the database structure.
ELEMENT update EMPTY ATTRIBUTE name string subject string version string ignoreError bool property string value string oldvalue string
Attributes | Type | Mandatory | Default | Description |
name | string | yes | n/a | Name identifier of the changed object. It should be lowercased and a valid XML and SQL identifier. |
subject | string | yes | n/a | table | column | index | view | sequence | trigger | constraint |
version | string | - | n/a | The version this log-entry applies to. |
ignoreError | bool | - | no | Used to tell the handler function, which performs the update, how to react, if this step causes an error while updating the database structure. If the value is set to "yes", the database update should continue, even if this step fails. If set to "no", the update should stop and all previous changes should be rolled back. |
property | string | - | n/a | Specifies which property of the object has been updated. |
value | string | - | n/a | New value of the updated property. The syntax of this attribute may be defined by the implementation. It may be a serialized string. |
oldvalue | string | - | n/a | Old value of the property that has changed. The syntax of this attribute may be defined by the implementation. It may be a serialized string. |
Documents the alteration of an existing database element. The type of element is stored as attribute "subject". The element itself is identified via the attribute "name". The name must specify a unique identifier for the element. Where necessary it must specify the namespaces, within which the element's name is unique. In that case the character '.' must be used as a delimiter. The implementation may throw an error if the element is not found or if it is ambiguous. The PCDATA section of the element may be used for documentation purposes and may contain any text. Where available the modified "property" plus it's "oldvalue" and new "value" may be defined.
ELEMENT sql EMPTY ATTRIBUTE version string ignoreError bool dbms string
Attributes | Type | Mandatory | Default | Description |
dbms | string | - | generic | The name of the target DBMS. The value "generic" means that the definition is suitable for any DBMS. Usually this is used as a fall-back option for DBMS you haven't thought of when creating the database structure or for those that simply doesn't have the feature in question. |
version | string | - | n/a | The version this log-entry applies to. |
ignoreError | bool | - | no | Used to tell the handler function, which performs the update, how to react, if this step causes an error while updating the database structure. If the value is set to "yes", the database update should continue, even if this step fails. If set to "no", the update should stop and all previous changes should be rolled back. |
Documents a custom SQL statement that is to be executed. It's execution may be limited to a certain DBMS. SQL-statements may be provided for any additional action, which is not covered by the other elements of this definition. For example, to copy data to a newly created table. The PCDATA section of the element must contain the SQL code which also serves as documentation.
Thomas Meyer,